Elite Dating Agency Tips to Get My Ex Back

by | Aug 10, 2016 | 0 comments

Elite Dating Agency Tips: How Can I Get My Ex Back

Elite Dating Agency Expert James Preece knows that we’ve all been victims in break ups that were unwanted. Your partner says it’s over and you’re left with your hands in the air. You don’t know what to do or where to go. At the same time, every thought in your head is about being with that person. You’re not ready to move on and you don’t want to ever be ready. You’re positive that your future lies with that person. You may be right and you may be wrong. But either way, you need to make space.

Even if you want the other person back, you both need a period of time apart. This is called the healing period. During this period, it’s important you have no contact with your ex. This means no seeing each other in person. No phone calls or texts. You can’t even check their social media. You need to severe all contact. Now, you might ask: for how long? You’ll know when the time is right. You’ll feel ready to pick yourself back up. Before you’ll be ready for that, you need to evaluate your life and where you are.

Firstly, ask yourself these questions:

– Did you really want to be in that relationship or just a relationship?
– Were you with that person because you wanted to be or because it was easy to be?
– Can you pinpoint exactly where the relationship took a wrong turn?
– Was there anything your ex said during the break up that has lingered with you?
– Are you happy by yourself or can you only find happiness in that other person?
– Do you love yourself enough to be worthy of anothers’ love?
– Is there anything you want to change about yourself?

A lot of the time when we get into relationships, we forget how important it is to love ourselves first. You need to use this healing period to fall in love with yourself.

Think of it this way:

Let’s say your ex decides to give it another shot. Isn’t the relationship only going to fall apart if neither of you do what’s required to fix it? The answer is yes. If you get back with your ex before the healing period is over, you’re only doing more damage to your relationship. You both need time apart because you both need to reflect on yourselves.

You might realise that whatever attracted you to your ex is long gone. You might realise you have different goals or dreams and are ultimately suited to separation. Or you might realise that you’re still just as in love and really don’t want to lose them. All you need to lose is the feeling of desperation. Believe in yourself.

Now, if you’ve been through the healing period it’s likely you’re anxious to start talking to your ex. There’s nothing wrong with demonstrating a little bit of excitement, but tone it way down. You want to come across and cool and collected. In fact, you should be both cool and collected if you finished the healing period. You should be confident that even if you don’t get your ex back, you’ll find someone else who will love and care for you. You should be confident that you’re worthy of love, have direction and be sure that you’re in touch with your own needs.

This means, you can get in touch with your partners needs.

You can fix whatever broke the relationship. You have to love yourself before you can love anyone else. You have to be independent. You have to be confident. You have to be you.

Often, when a relationship ends it’s because one or both people involved stopped being themselves. However, most likely you weren’t right for each other so it’s time to move on. That’s when an elite dating agency can make a huge difference to your life.

If you’re interested in finding out more about signing up with an elite dating agency or personal introduction agency, let James Preece the UK’s leading Dating Coach teach you what you need to know.