Matchmaking Services for your friends
Matchmaking Services For Your Friends
If you’ve got a single friend, especially an older one, you may want to test your matchmaking services and find them someone. It can be hard to watch one of your friends go from one lonely night to the next lonely night. If it’s something they’re comfortable with, it’s different. You are ill-advised to try and “hook someone up” who enjoys those lonely nights. But if your friend is looking to get back out there, you might be the key.
It’s hard to force yourself, as a single person, to go out and try to meet new people. Particularly if you’ve been out of the game for a while. It can be nerve-wracking and in the end, you’re more likely to give up than to go out. That’s where a good friend can make the world of difference.
A good friend can act as a wing man (or of course wing woman), introducing you to other people, or approaching someone with you. It’s likely the wing man won’t need to do anything. A wing man is basically there for moral and emotional support and encouragement. It’s better than being out alone. If no connections are made elsewhere, at least the night doesn’t feel like a total waste. A wing man can also make introductions where possible, or strike up conversation when it appears to be falling flat. A straight forward wing man can also approach someone before the friend and tell them the score. It’s all a matter of what you’re comfortable doing as a wing man. Remember though, you’re trying to get your friend someone. Don’t get swept up in those introductions and ice breakers and end up taking a number home yourself. That will actually make your friend feel worse, like they are no longer desirable.
That’s more specific to the bar scene, and many people aren’t comfortable trying to meet people in a bar anymore. It’s a different kind of scene than it used to be. It’s awkward now. It’s easier to try and meet someone at an activity, such as bowling. But, you can meet people almost anywhere, from bars to barbecues. If you have active friends, you’re bound to know someone who knows quite a few other someones. Maybe they can introduce you to some people from work at the next dinner party they are having. Or you can arrange a blind date.
Blind dates can be a world of awkward as well. After all, they had a television show to advertise how bad some of them turn out to be. But it all depends, really, on who is arranging the blind date. If you know your friend really well, you’ll know what he/she likes. You can find someone who meets those needs and make an introduction, putting your matchmaking services to the test. A blind date doesn’t have to be to the movies or to dinner. It can be a simple brunch. A little get together with some other friends. It doesn’t matter, as long as you have the opportunity to make an introduction. In fact, they don’t even have to know you’re looking to set them up. That takes all the pressure off the situation.
No matter what you decide to do with your single friend, don’t try and force them into anything they aren’t comfortable with.
The best advice of all would be to leave the matchmaking services to the dating professionals – or try a dating coach !